Set a Meeting


Silentext visions not only to solve problems with design, but also problems with perfection in aesthetics and art behind it. When business identity is a problem, we offer the excellence, not just a solution. Branding has never been a problem when Silentext works in favor of a business. Silentext produces a cascading time where designs dance on the stage of aesthetics and art.

We are for

& Backdrop

Creating and maintaining a brand is art. This art consists of presenting a uniform message across the whole operations of a business process. The message is what a company wants to communicate to its potential consumers, and that makes the brand identity.
A company's brand identity should reflect the intrinsic qualities that the company considers to be important, so that it sends out the right message to the prospective audience. Silentext asserts the same; for sure! The significance in the total process is design, which is the most effective way that determines your business, we belive.

Our Hi/story

Silentext came in the real world offering in early 2001 with a goal to help design brand identity of the startups and enterprises. Since its formation, Silentext holds on to the goodwill of excellent service and has achieved recognition from the foremost establishments of Bangladesh.
Silentext works with a team of talented graphics designers to ensure the best possible and potential expression to your product and convey the right message to the target audience of your company. Silentext professionals are consistently capable of creating impressive and appropriate corporate identities, and efficiently rolling out brands with innovative design ideas.

What and
How We Do

We offer two modes of services for your company: One: A total Corporate Contract for design, print and other media managements. That is to sign up to an annual or longer contract for total design, print and other media management solutions of a corporation. Two: A Specific Contract for any special issue. That is to contract for one of the inside services.
Support Policy: For your convenient we receive order via telephone and e-mail. Also we have staff support to reach your door on call. To make a communication fruitful we always use multiple communication tools. Our services make your decisions easier by allowing a full life cycle approach to design, outputting and packaging your products, warehousing your packaging materials and in time shipping to your destination.


From our birth to till now we have an enormous reliance on human capital, as accordingly we have made the compilation of multiferial knoledge, skill and creativity based human team. This key team keeps Silentext ever creative, most effectively functional and ethical in business. It consists of the following key people:
founder // CEO

Rifat Hasan

Designer. Brand expert. Founder and CEO of the company. Rifat is the key driving force behind all the creativity, design and workforce in the company.

Morshedul Alam

QC expert and researcher. Morshed is advisor on Quality & Ethics. He looks after quality production management!

Morkarrom Hossain

Linguist and educator. Mokarrom is our friend advisor. He advises on linguistic accuracy and aesthetics.

Ariful Islam

Designer and artist. Arif leads the staff designers, as well as manages production chain in the company


and Identity

Bangladesh Informa

Logo for Bangladesh Informa, A research institute based on Bangladesh

Logo for, A modern barber shop in france.

Take Steps

Logo for Take Steps, a social organization

Coral Drinking Water

Logo for Coral Drinking Water, A Famous Drining Water Brand in Bangladesh


Logo for Pact, A Social Organization

Complience Informa

Logo for Complience Informa, A complience Brand in Bangladesh

Meena Foundation

Logo for Meena Foundation, a social organization


Logo for R-insights, A research magazine


Logo for Abru, A fasion Designer Company

Gold Exchange Limited

Logo for Gold Exchange Limited, A new investment innovation Brand in Bangladesh

Pharma insights

Logo for Pharma insights, a Pharmaceutical research organization.


Logo for LBS, A Legel & Business Solution Firm


Web development
& Mobile Application

PreskriptionPoint Website

Website for PreskriptionPoint, a unique e-commerce website in Bangladesh

Rifat Hasan Website

Website for Rifat Hasan, a Personal website in Bangladesh

PreskriptionPoint App

Mobile Application for

Rifat Hasan App

Mobile Application for

We look forward to hearing from you.
Please call us/ send message or email us with your enquiries.

Silentext: Idea and Infinity

+88 0 1819 617513

87 S. S. khaled Road, JamalKhan,
Chittagong, Bangladesh.
Link Office: 49/1 Babar Road
(2nd Flr), Mohammadpur, Dhaka

Copyright © silentext, 2022

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